In order to earn a course certificate, course participants need to submit their activity and review three activities of other participants. The overall passing grade is 95%. The final deadline to complete all activities is Wednesday, 19 April, 23:59 CEST.
Note to teachers from Castilla y León: Si eres profesor de Castilla y León, y además del certificado de la European Schoolnet Academy, quieres recibir un certificado oficial de parte de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León inscríbete en la página web del CFP Idiomas de Castilla y León http://cfpidiomas.centros.educa.jcyl.es/sitio/
Note to teachers from Galicia: Si eres docente en Galicia, y además del certificado de European Schoolnet Academy, quieres recibir un certificado oficial de parte del Centro Autonónico de Formación e Innovación de Galicia (CAFI), inscríbete también en la actividad "G2201140 Unlocking the Power of AI " en Fprofe en el siguiente enlace (https://www.edu.xunta.es/fprofe). Para más información, contactar con el CAFI en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico (cafi.aulanova@edu.xunta.gal).
Note to teachers from Portugal: You can get your successful participation in a European Schoolnet Academy course formally recognised as a valid continuous professional development, and thereby acquire the relevant number of training hours, by sending your certificate to the Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC) at Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar - apartado 2168, 4700 - 429 Braga, Portugal. For more information, please contact the CCPFC.
Note to teachers from Emilia-Romagna: Per i docenti della regione Emilia-Romagna iscritti alla piattaforma regionale https://iscrizioni.istruzioneer.it/ è possibile ottenere, oltre all’attestato rilasciato da European Schoolnet Academy, anche l’attestato rilasciato dall’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Emilia-Romagna (Servizio Marconi) che attua un'azione di facilitazione ed accompagnamento a questa attività. Maggiori informazioni al link: https://bit.ly/EuroSmooc21.
Note to teachers from Ireland: It may be possible to count the completion of this course as part fulfilment of any discretionary CPD hours, subject to your school management's approval. Therefore, please enquire with your school management if your participation in this course can be formally recognised.
Course Staff
Arjana Blazic is a teacher trainer, course designer and education technology consultant. She is an external expert at European Schoolnet. Her interests focus on technology enhanced teaching and learning and the impact of digital technologies on teacher professional development. You can get in touch with her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/abfromz
Eugenia is working at European Schoolnet, contributing to the educational aspects of EU Code Week: supporting the development of training materials for schools, assisting in the website of resources, and helping in the development of the Learning Bits. You can follow her and get in touch here: https://twitter.com/eugenia_eun
Behind the course
This course has been created and is coordinated by Arjana Blazic and Eugenia Casariego Artola, supported by the Code Week Team and the European Schoolnet Academy staff. The course is part of the EU Code Week initiative, supported by the European Commission.
The creation and running of this course have been supported by the European Commission, but it is sole responsibility of the organizers. The European Commission (EC) is not responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained.
All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License