Welcome to the EU Code Week - Deep Dive MOOC
This course builds on the Icebreaker MOOC that ran in June, whose aim was to make EU Code Week more appealing and meaningful for teachers and schools and to raise awareness about the importance of integrating coding and computational thinking into their lessons.
Teachers who have not participated in the Icebreaker MOOC should take the course from the very beginning (Module 1). Teachers who have participated in the Icebreaker MOOC instead can directly access Module 2 of the course without visiting all the videos and sections of Module 1, which takes a deep dive into different strategies and tools to integrate coding and computational thinking into the classroom and into specific subjects’ lessons.
This course will provide primary and secondary school teachers with ideas, free training material and resources to help them bring coding and computational thinking into the classroom with ready-made lessons plans. Besides, teachers will learn what Code Week is and how to participate in this initiative, which last year engaged 2.7 million people in Europe and beyond. At the end of the MOOC, participants will have to organise an activity with their students or colleagues and register it in the Code Week map. After reporting the activity, participants will also get a certificate validated by the European Commission for their participation and engagement in the campaign.
Learning objectives
- Understanding the importance of integrating coding and computational thinking into the classroom
- Becoming familiar with innovative tools and approaches such as visual programming tools, unplugged activities, robotics, tinkering, and making and coding for all subjects
- Gaining some basic knowledge of the Code.org CS fundamentals curriculum
- Discovering free training materials and resources
- Becoming familiar with the EU Code Week campaign and learning how to register an activity and report back
- Discovering the Code Week 4 All challenge
- Becoming part of a community of enthusiastic teachers that can interact, share best practices and participate in the 2019 EU Code Week campaign together
This course can be followed by primary and secondary school teachers, regardless of the subject they teach and their knowledge of coding. The course is also open to anybody interested and willing to take the course: young adults, adults, seniors, parents, librarians, entrepreneurs and policymakers. No previous experience with or knowledge of coding and computational thinking is needed to take this course.
- Module 1: Icebreaker - Why Coding, Computational Thinking and EU Code Week Initiative
- Module 2: Unplugged Coding and Computational Thinking
- Module 3: Visual Programming Languages, Scratch & Co.
- Module 4: Robotics, Tinkering and Making, and App Development
- Module 5: Coding for All Subjects, Code.org Computer Science Fundamentals and Equity in Schools
Once you have visited all the sections, successfully completed the quiz and registered an activity in the EU Code Week Map, you will receive a course badge and course certificate. The final deadline to complete all activities is 30 October 2019, 23:59 CEST.
Note to teachers from Portugal: You can get your successful participation in a European Schoolnet Academy course formally recognised as valid continuous professional development, and thereby acquire the relevant number of training hours, by sending your certificate to the Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC) at Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar - apartado 2168, 4700 - 429 Braga, Portugal. For more information, please contact the CCPFC.
Course Staff
Naír Carrera has been working as an educational expert and external consultant in European projects for the last years, particularly focusing on digital and innovative education, e-Learning, digital communications and teachers´ training in the Future Classroom Lab in Brussels. She joined European Schoolnet in 2015, where she works as a Pedagogical Officer and Coordinator of the pedagogical and educational strand of the European Commission´s initiative EU Code Week, and the School-Based case studies pilot in the School Education Gateway, the European Commission portal for teaching professional development. Before joining European Schoolnet, Naír worked as a teacher in international schools and universities of Spain, England and France, and joined the eTwinning National Support Service (NSS) at the National Institute for Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF) in the Ministry of Education in Spain, where she is also an online tutor. You can follow her and get in touch here: https://twitter.com/Na_carrera
Disclaimer & Copyright

This course is produced by European Schoolnet Academy in collaboration with the University of Urbino, and with the support of GOPA Com. The course is part of the EU Code Week campaign, supported by the European Commission. The course is the sole responsibility of the organiser and the European Commission (EC) is not responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained.

All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License