Following its successful run in Spring 2019, this short, practical course is running again to give new people the opportunity to attend. The course aims to help you become a ‘networked teacher’, developing your pedagogical digital competence, learning about collaborative and active approaches to teaching and learning and connecting with fellow student teachers from across Europe to share ideas and build your future professional learning network.
The course lasts four weeks and is divided into four modules, one module per week with an extra period of 10 days to catch up and complete the activities. We will open a new module every Monday, and all modules will remain open until the end of the course.
Introduce and share innovative and practical ideas in the field of Active Learning, developing practical competences in using ICT in the classroom
Foster innovation and experimentation, using a range of tools and apps you can use at once
Connect and share with other teachers and build a Personal Learning Network
Develop your digital judgement and integrate research findings into classroom practice
You will:
Learn about active learning, innovative uses of ICT and collaborative teaching and learning
Receive advice from experts and peers, and practical suggestions that are easy to adopt
See videos of inspiring practice and access a range of support material
Build a community of student teachers like you who can support you as you develop as a teacher
Reflect, discuss and share opinions on key topics in 21st century education
Use a variety of online tools and social media to communicate and engage in peer review activities
The course is designed particularly for pre-service student and beginning teachers in both primary and secondary education, to support the development of the pedagogical digital skills and competences for future teachers. It is open, and there is something for everyone, whatever your ICT competence. The course is designed to be easy with English understanding B1 (independent) and Writing A2 (basic) [ref. Europass language], supporting learning and interaction amongst colleagues across Europe for whom English is a second language.
Unit 1: Entering the Job - opens 14 October
Unit 2: Unlock the Classroom - Active Technology - opens 21 October
Unit 3: Unlock the Classroom - Active Space - opens 28 October
Unit 4: The Second Staffroom - opens 04 November
At the end of each unit, there will a small quiz to demonstrate your involvement and understanding. Participants who complete all four quizzes will receive a certificate for completion of the full course. The final deadline to complete all activities is 20 November 2019, 23:59 CEST.
Bart Verswijvel is a Belgian educator and expert trainer who works as a Senior Adviser for European Schoolnet. He is an international keynote speaker and a leader of workshops, TeachMeets and Twitter chats, as well as the pedagogical lead of the Future Classroom Lab, the concept of a flexible learning space.
Arjana Blazic - course moderator
Arjana Blazic is a language arts teacher, education technology consultant, course designer and international speaker. Currently she is working as a Teacher Trainer with the International Expert Working Group for the Implementation of the Curriculum Reform in Croatia at the Croatian Ministry of Education.
Behind the Course
This course has been created by ITElab, a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in initial teacher education, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. It is a three-year project, running from January 2017 to December 2019.
Disclaimer & Copyright
ITELab (Initial Teachers Education Lab) is a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in initial teacher education (ITE). Project number: 575828-EPP-1-2016-1-BE-EPPKA2-KA. It is co-funded under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme from January 2017 to December 2019.
This MOOC was created with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It reflects the views only of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.