- Module 1: Terra Mission - Strategies to Raise Environmental Awareness opens on 10/01/2022
- Module 2: Explore Terra Mission Educational Pack opens on 17/01/2022
- Module 3: Outdoor Experiences, and Practical Assignments opens on 24/01/2022
- Module 4: Design Learning Scenarios with Terra Mission Content and Resources opens on 31/01/2022
In order to earn a course certificate, course participants need to pass all the quizzes, submit a Learning Scenario and review 3 of their peers' Learning Scenarios. The participation in the quizzes will count for 10%, and the Learning Scenario together with the peer reviews will count for 90%.
The overall passing grade is 95%.
The final deadline to complete all activities is 16 February 2022, 23:59 CET.
Note to teachers from Castilla y León: Si eres profesor de Castilla y León, y además del certificado de la European Schoolnet Academy, quieres recibir un certificado oficial de parte de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León inscríbete en la página web del CFP Idiomas de Castilla y León
Note to teachers from Portugal: You can get your successful participation in a European Schoolnet Academy course formally recognised as a valid continuous professional development, and thereby acquire the relevant number of training hours, by sending your certificate to the Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC) at Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar - apartado 2168, 4700 - 429 Braga, Portugal. For more information, please contact the CCPFC.
Note to teachers from Emilia-Romagna: Per i docenti della regione Emilia-Romagna iscritti alla piattaforma regionale è possibile ottenere, oltre all’attestato rilasciato da European Schoolnet Academy, anche l’attestato rilasciato dall’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Emilia-Romagna (Servizio Marconi) che attua un'azione di facilitazione ed accompagnamento a questa attività. Maggiori informazioni al link:
Note to teachers from Ireland: It may be possible to count the completion of this course as part fulfilment of any discretionary CPD hours, subject to your school management's approval. Therefore, please enquire with your school management if your participation in this course can be formally recognised.
Course Staff
(Early Years Education / Project Coordination and Pedagogy) works as a Project and Pedagogical Officer in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). Miriam is involved in Life Terra, EU4Ocean, NBS Phase 2 and Scientix projects coordinating teachers’ activities, designing MOOCs and organising professional development activities for teachers.
(Project Management / Education) works as a Project Operational Manager in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). She has substantial experience in Project Management as well as strong experience in the development of educational programs, online courses, trainings and educational materials for teachers, students, and general public (non-formal adult education). Lyubov is currently managing EUN’s work in the Life Terra project and The Three Rs Project of the EC’s Joint Research Centre.
is a primary school teacher with almost 20 years’ experience in education. She has a passion for inquiry based learning (IBL), an approach she has adopted throughout her teaching career. She also lectures in the area of IBL in early childhood education and for the past 10 years she has worked on the development and facilitation of continuous professional development courses in the area of STEM. For the last 3 years as part of the Digital Schools Excellence Fund, (an initiative of the Department of Education and Skills Ireland to promote the use of digital technology in teaching, learning and assessment) she has been lead coordinator for a cluster of schools implementing a range of collaborative STEM projects.
Behind the course
Life Terra is founded on the knowledge that tree planting is regarded as the most cost-effective nature-based solution to capture carbon. As part of a multi-faceted mitigation strategy, planting trees can play an important role in the fight against climate change and the devastation it causes. The project seeks to bring people together to plant 500 million trees in 5 years, harnessing and monitoring nature’s own carbon capture mechanism and enabling citizens to take urgent action against the climate crisis.
Scientix, the community for science education in Europe, promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals.


This course has been developed by Life Terra, co-financed by the European Commission through the LIFE Programme (LIFE19 CCM/NL/001200). The course is additionally supported by Scientix 4 (Grant agreement N. 101000063). Scientix has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme and is coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN). The content of the document is the sole responsibility of the organizer and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained.

All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License