“Yes I can” – Empowering Student Learning

Welcome to the “Yes I can” – Empowering Student Learning MOOC
On this page
Students are learning not only at school, but also in a variety of so-called non-formal and informal learning settings outside of school. Such individual learning settings could, for instance, include a young person learning a new skill (like guitar playing) through YouTube videos. Learning takes place when something captures the young person’s interest. “It is something that can influence you, something that brings out emotions and allows you to find answers to certain questions.”
Why should we care about our students’ learning experiences in non-formal and informal settings? Here are several good reasons – and probably you can still think of others yourself.
- The learning taking place in non-formal and informal learning settings can be powerful, as these settings stress the practical value of learning.
- Non-formal education focuses on the process, the emotion that it brings out in you and how you are learning.
- Non-formal and informal learning settings can unlock students’ creative potential.
- Enabling students to create links between the learning in different learning settings can empower them to become the drivers of their own learning (foster students’ autonomy and active participation) and make their learning more enjoyable and fruitful.
- Students that can integrate informal learning experiences (own interests) into their formal learning in the classroom will be more motivated to learn in class.
- Non-formal and informal learning approaches help to focus on the benefit of new learning spaces outside of the classroom, both inside and outside the school.
- Likewise, students learning 21st-century skills such as learning to learn and collaborating with others can also use these new skills in informal learning settings outside of school.
In this course, we want to reflect on how we can empower our students to learn better in different learning settings by creating synergies between learning in different settings. Personalised learning and collaborative learning are both innovative teaching approaches that empower students in their own learning.
In the first module, we will start with students’ voices on how they like to learn. Building on that, we will explore what ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ learning means and discuss how they could be more interlinked.
In the next three modules, teachers will learn about two concrete teaching approaches: “personalised learning” and “collaborative learning”. By implementing these two approaches, teachers can empower their students to become independent learners in different (formal, non-formal and informal) learning settings. For both approaches, we will also explore the role of technology and learning spaces in fostering student learning.
Learning objectives
- how to encourage your students to make links between their formal, non-formal and informal learning experiences;
- how to empower your students by encouraging them to identify their own learning styles and abilities;
- how to make your teaching more relevant and inclusive by personalising it based on your students’ needs and interests;
- how to organise group work with your students that enables you to develop 21st-century skills (such as problem-solving, creativity, etc.) and to explore new learning spaces.
Primary and secondary school teachers and teacher trainers from Europe and beyond. Other stakeholders in education can also follow the course.
- Module 1: Building bridges between formal and informal learning
- Module 2: Empowering students through personalised learning
- Module 3: Empowering students through collaborative learning
- Module 4: Strategies to empower students through collaborative learning
You will receive digital module badges for every completed module of the course as well as a course badge and a course certificate upon completion of the full course.
Note to teachers from Castilla y León: Si eres profesor de Castilla y León, y además del certificado de la European Schoolnet Academy, quieres recibir un certificado oficial de parte de la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León inscríbete en la página web del CFP Idiomas de Castilla y León: http://cfpidiomas.centros.educa.jcyl.es/sitio/
Please note: Romanian and Portuguese teachers can ask for accreditation of this course. Interested teachers can send an email to:
- For Portuguese teachers: Casa do Professor: formacao@casadoprofessor.pt (Please note: It is no longer possible to ask for accreditation, as the course is already running)
- For Romanian teachers: Asociatia Edulifelong: asociatia.edulifelong@yahoo.com
Note to teachers from Portugal: You can get your successful participation in a European Schoolnet Academy course formally recognised as a valid continuous professional development, and thereby acquire the relevant number of training hours, by sending your certificate to the Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC) at Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar - apartado 2168, 4700 - 429 Braga, Portugal. For more information, please contact the CCPFC.
Course Staff
- Andrea Duarte, ICE, Portugal
- Katja Engelhardt, European Schoolnet
- Ana Medeiros, Casa do Professor, Portugal
- Iohana Selaru, Asociatia Lifelong, Romania
- Piotr Strzemieczny, Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kultura i Edukacja, Poland
Disclaimer and Copyright
This course is part of the NESTT project and is developed by: |
European Schoolnet, Belgium |
Casa do Professor, Portugal |
ICE, Portugal |
Asociatia Lifelong, Romania |
All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License