Our Fragile Planet

Welcome to the MOOC Our fragile planet
On this page
The basic idea of the current MOOC “Our Fragile Planet” is to empower teachers from all levels of education to teach space- and astronomy-related topics to their students, as was done in the previous three MOOCs. This online course is built in such a way that all teachers can participate, focusing especially on those who are interested in astronomy but never had the opportunity to learn more about it or who have very little background information and do not feel comfortable communicating basic information about our planet to their students.
The course therefore aims at getting you acquainted with the topic of Our Fragile Planet and the ways of effectively introducing it with the help of Space Awareness resources in a relevant curriculum in the science classroom. Furthermore, the course will address questions of diversity related to space sciences and provide guidance and resources for introducing students to a range of space careers.
On the course, we will be reflecting, discussing and sharing with each other about these topics. You will find a community of like-minded professionals on the course who can support each other in improving their classroom practices. We will be using a variety of online tools and social media to communicate with each other and engage in some peer-review activities as part of the course.
The subject of this course will use as pedagogical pillars the aspects learned during the first Space Awareness MOOC, Teaching with Space and Astronomy, such as inquiry-based science education teaching practices, ICT tools, managing diversity in the classroom, maintaining gender balance in the classroom and thematic space careers. Although not mandatory, we strongly encourage you to review and familiarize yourself with the content of this first course, which can be found here, if you haven’t done so already.
You may already join us in the Space Awareness MOOCs Facebook group and share your ideas about the topic on Twitter using #spaceMOOC.
- Present and communicate basic information about the Earth, its properties, its uniqueness and fragility;
- Present and communicate basic information about climate change and its monitoring;
- Tackle misconceptions about connection of space sciences and astronomy with chemistry, biology, geography and Earth studies;
- Introduce educational activities and demonstrate how to use them at school providing examples of teachers’ experience with didactic courses;
- Raise awareness of different space careers.
Each module includes activities for all age ranges, so teachers of all levels of education can participate (and not just science teachers). This MOOC can also be attended by parents who are interested in doing fun space-related activities with their children. The activities and information introduced could also be useful to science communicators and science museum curators.
- Module 1: Our Solar System
- Module 2: The Sun and the Moon
- Module 3: THe Sun-Moon-Earth System
- Module 4: Beyond our solar system
You will receive digital module badges for every completed module of the course as well as a course badge and a course certificate upon completion of the full course.
Note to teachers from Portugal: You can get your successful participation in a European Schoolnet Academy course formally recognised as valid continuous professional development, and thereby acquire the relevant number of training hours, by sending your certificate to the Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC) at Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar - apartado 2168, 4700 - 429 Braga, Portugal. For more information, please contact the CCPFC.
Course Staff
Disclaimer & Copyright
Space Awareness is an international project targeting children and teenagers all over Europe, providing them with information on space-related subjects. The project strives to educate children and young adults on the numerous career opportunities offered by the space industry and show them that space science can be fun and engaging. Space Awareness offers free high-quality resources for educators and children easily adaptable to different disciplines and countries.
The Our Fragile Planet course is produced by the team of the Space Awareness project. In particular, European Schoolnethas produced this course with full support from the partners and network of the project. The full partner list can be seen on the project website, here.
This course was developed under the Space Awareness project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme under the grant agreement no. 638653.
All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License