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Teaching ICT with Inquiry


Welcome to the Teaching ICT with Inquiry MOOC

On this page

The aim of this online course is to equip teachers with essential skills and knowledge to teach STEM and ICT with the help of inquiry-based pedagogy. In the end of this MOOC, participants will be able to build their own inquiry-based activities for ICT and STEM teaching, tailored to fit their classrooms and their needs.

After taking this MOOC, teachers will become familiar with the main tools for ICT teaching and with inquiry method in both primary and secondary school, and will be able to create engaging learning material to use in their classrooms. Moreover, we are expecting that this MOOC will bring together ICT and STEM teachers from different European countries, involve them in a dialog on ICT teaching and build a community of committed teachers.

Learning objectives

  • Obtaining basic knowledge of the most used programming languages (Scratch for primary and Python for secondary) and data spreadsheets (Excel) and how to apply these programming skills in STEM (real-life application)
  • Gaining understanding of basic learning inquiry-based science education (IBSE) scenarios
  • Gaining pedagogical guidelines for classroom activities
  • Learning how to use the authoring tool (Graasp) in order to create inquiry-based learning activities for their classrooms
  • To provide career information to motivate students and present a variety of STEM and ICT-related jobs and skills required


This course will be open to anyone who is willing to take it, but the main target audience is ICT and STEM teachers (both in-service and pre-service) in Europe and beyond. This MOOC will be open to any interested teachers of other subjects who would like to learn more about ICT tools and inquiry-based science education, or career counselors who are looking for a career material for STEM and ICT-related jobs.


  1. Module 1: Towards an Inquiry-Based Science Learning
  2. Module 2: Programming in your classroom
  3. Module 3: Computational thinking as a tool for solving STEM problems
  4. Module 4: Create your own Inquiry Learning Space


In order to earn a course certificate, course participants need to complete all four modules, including completing the final peer review activity at the end of Module 4. The final deadline to complete all activities is 16 October 2019, 23:59 CEST.

Note to teachers from Portugal: You can get your successful participation in a European Schoolnet Academy course formally recognised as a valid continuous professional development, and thereby acquire the relevant number of training hours, by sending your certificate to the Conselho Científico e Pedagógico de Formação Contínua (CCPFC) at Rua do Forno, nº 30, 1º andar - apartado 2168, 4700 - 429 Braga, Portugal. For more information, please contact the CCPFC.

Course Staff

Dr Anastasiya Boiko - course coordinator

(Scientist: Astrophysics and Mathematics) is Project Officer at the EUN’s Science Education Department. Anastasiya uses her extensive knowledge and expertise to promote STEM education in Europe. She is Project Manager of the STEM Alliance and coordinates the activities of EUN in TIWI and spaceEU projects.

Jelena Milenkovic - course coordinator

(International Education & Policy / Coordination and Pedagogy) is the European Schoolnet Academy coordinator. She is also coordinating Next-Lab ambassadors and contributing to TIWI MOOC development

Disclaimer and Copyright

Teaching ICT with Inquiry (TIWI) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement N. 2018-LT01-KA201-047065). The European Commission support for the production of this material does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. More information about the TIWI project here.


Creative Commons License

All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

  1. Course Code

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    4 hours (18 in total)