Verónica is a Digital Literacy and Child Online Safety consultant with more than 16 years of experience in the field of children, digital technologies and internet safety. Verónica is the project coordinator of the EC-funded Social Media Literacy for Change project led by European Schoolnet and is a member of the Global Kids Online International Advisory Group.
Eray Basar - course coordinator
Eray initially served as a Web Editor intern for the School Education Gateway as well as the EUN Academy and the Teacher Academy at European Schoolnet. He currently holds the Junior Project Officer position in the Digital Citizenship Team and works on the Better Internet for Kids and eSafety Label+ projects.
Disclaimer and Copyright
The Content of this course represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
This course was developed within the eSafety Label+ (eSL+) project.
eSafety Label is a Europe-wide accreditation and support service for schools, aiming to provide a secure and enriching environment, for safe access to online technology as part of the teaching and learning experience. The eSafety Label portal aims to be a one-stop shop for teachers, heads of school and ICT administrators when it comes to evaluating their school’s online safety standards, taking action to improve and reinforce it, and sharing best practices among their peers. Thanks to the eSafety Label Community, which consists of almost 4,000 teachers and contact points (Ministries of Education, universities, Safer Internet Centres, etc.) from 38 countries, schools can review their own online safety infrastructure, policy and practices against national and international standards.
For more information about the project and eSafety activities, follow the eSafety Label website follow us on Facebook or send us an email at
All content on this course unless specified otherwise is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License